
Joel Lexchin, MD


Joel Lexchin received his MD from the University of Toronto in 1977 and for almost 34 years was an emergency physician at the University Health Network. He taught health policy in the School of Health Policy and Management at York University from 2001 to 2016 and is now a Professor Emeritus at York. He is a frequent outspoken critic of the pharmaceutical industry and the way that Health Canada regulates drugs. His book Private profits versus public policy: the pharmaceutical industry and the Canadian state was published by University of Toronto Press in September 2016 and his new book Doctors in denial: why big pharma and the Canadian medical profession are too close for comfort was published by Lorimer in May 2017. In 2012 he was elected as a Fellow in the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. He is among the top 2% of the world’s most highly cited researchers.

February 1, 2024  Money Matters: Pharmaceutical R&D for Drugs for Neglected and Orphan Diseases 
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