
Cancer Prevention: what is needed for a sufficient shift in direction for cancer policies?

9 November 2023 17:00 BST

Chair: Clare Turnbull, MD, PhD
Susan Domchek, MD
Peter Sasieni, PhD
Rebecca Beeken, PhD
Bethany Shinkins, PhD
David Crosby, PhD (CRUK)
Kate Hamilton-West, PhD

Cancers are a leading cause of mortality, accounting for nearly 10 million annual deaths worldwide, or 1 in 6 deaths.  It has been estimated that at least 40% of cancers are preventable. Recent cancer policies from both the USA (The Cancer Moonshot), Europe (Conquering Cancer-Mission Possible) and Cancer Research UK (The Future of Cancer Prevention) have an increased focus on cancer prevention. For Consilium Scientific, a panel with medical, scientific, policy, economic and behavioural science expertise will discuss the opportunities for and challenges of promoting cancer prevention. What emerging scientific insights could guide novel strategies for prevention? How can a strong population-led demand for cancer prevention be generated? What economic and societal changes are required to support this in order to reduce cancer mortality? How will gains in reduced cancer burden be attributed to preventative interventions?  After the panel discussion, time will be allotted for questions and further discussion.

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